SDDL - Store Display Developments Ltd
SDDL stands for Store Display Developments Ltd
Here you will find, what does SDDL stand for in Organization under Organization category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Store Display Developments Ltd? Store Display Developments Ltd can be abbreviated as SDDL What does SDDL stand for? SDDL stands for Store Display Developments Ltd. What does Store Display Developments Ltd mean?Store Display Developments Ltd is an expansion of SDDL
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Alternative definitions of SDDL
- Security Descriptor Definition Language
- Supercar Drive Days Ltd
- The Surgery Design and Digital Ltd
- Shape Digital Design Ltd
- Sound Design Distribution Ltd.
View 6 other definitions of SDDL on the main acronym page
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- STRS South Texas Realty Services
- SMGP Salem Media Group Pittsburgh
- SBE Solar Bat Enterprises
- SPC Scott Power Corporation
- SUCC Stokes Used Car Center
- SMI Social Media Institute
- SWB Screwtop Wine Bar
- SBC Soliloquy Bridal Couture
- SCUK Social Care UK
- SMG Synergy Media Group
- SOA The Spot On Agency
- SPC Sweat Performance Center
- SPG Southwestern Power Group
- SN Soft del Noa
- SGM Strategy Group for Media